We go back to the roots of dramaturgy. Because we learn from it.


Already in the 16th century, Ruzante was an Italian comic poet. Since then, he has been significant in his influence on Italian dramaturgy and commedia dell´arte. In the performance in Florence, one of his works, “il parlamento”, were played – in the original Padua dialect: a popular language from the 16th century that positioned itself against the Latin of the formal scholars. The show pays tribute to the author and presents the original language combined with the works of the stage design course at the Academy of Arts in Florence.


The Ruzante Project is coordinated by Professor Fabrizio Pompei, holder of the Chair of Directing, and Professor Francesco Givone, holder of the Chair of Scenography and shows the Academy’s Directing and Scenography students stage design. The project is hosted by the Academy of Arts in Florence, in collaboration with the Theatre Foundation of Tuscany.



I play texts in Italian, Albanian, English and German – and I am eager to learn about any new or old dialects in between. Language transports not only emotions, but also the circumstances and contexts of history and I enjoy these emerging worlds and their nuances. I am open to theater projects as an actor and performer.

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